SKU: 6961


1.1 pound bag (0.5 kilos) - Umbria, Italy

Millet is a nutritional powerhouse. Millet is about 11-15% protein by weight, and very high in B vitamins. It is extremely easy to digest due to its alkalinity, and is high in amino acids like tryptophan, which helps regulate sleep patterns and mood. It is a wonderful replacement for glutinous products; people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can eat millet with ease. Millet is the ultimate healthy convenience food, since, unlike many other whole grains, it has a very long shelf life and takes a short time to cook. If you’re interested in treating your gut with probiotics, ditch the commercial stuff: fermented millet is a wonderful warm breakfast dish or side.

Millet flour is an important and much used staple in many contemporary cuisines. Indian cookery uses millet flour to make chapatti, roti and pappadums.

Etruria Gourmet’s pearl millet flour is deliciously sweet and nutty. It is a direct descendant of the grains once used by the Lombardy to make polenta and pan d’angiol, the light and sweet “bread of angels”. It is grown in Umbria, according to Italy’s standardized rules for organic farming, and is also approved by the USDA as an organic product. Etruria Gourmet has been slowly reintroducing the world’s ancient grains to today’s palates, and millet and millet flour are culinary superstars.