SKU: 8137
  • Cold Mountain Dry Rice Koji
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Cold Mountain Dry White Rice Koji 

20 oz California

As featured on Netflix series, SALT FAT ACIDHEAT

 with Samin Nosrat

What is koji rice?

Koji rice is made from steamed rice inoculated with a "koji starter", consisting of spores of the mold Aspergillus oryzae. The rice is then incubated for about 45 hours until each kernel is covered with a bloom of fragrant white mold. The rice is then dried, preserving the mold on the outside of the rice kernels.

The function of the mold is to produce enzymes that will later break down the soy (or whatever base is used) proteins, carbohydrates, and oil into their amino acids, sugars, and lipids. This makes them more readily digestible to then use them in another process, such as fermenting simple sugars into alcohol, such as when you make sake.

Note that Firm Granular Rice Koji is never consumed raw. It is a common tool used in Japanese and high-end restaurants. Whether it's used in making miso, tofu, or soy sauce; koji is always part of a process and is always eventually cooked (miso when used as an ingredient) or fermented further (sake or rice wine vinegar or miso).


A Little Koji Magic...

If anything can turn straw into gold, it would be Koji. I suspect that those who say Koji is not magic don't believe in magic, even when they see it right before their very eyes. For some things in life, explanations are only there to take the fear away from that which cannot be explained.

Koji was crafted 9,000 years ago, most likely under another name, in an earthen jar in China, and it has been a staple of food alchemy ever since. Just not so much here, at least not until recently.

To many, it is the newest food rage. In fact, it's not a food itself but a tool that harbors amazing little workers who can transform and change how and what we eat in ways that would never seem possible.

There is a lot of science in Koji. Papers have been written about the subject. Some are "dry," long-winded, and some so crusty they seem fermented themselves.

If you are interested in it, read the book "Koji Alchemy" by Rich Shih and Jeremy Umansky from your local bookshop. It is new this year and quite a spectacular read. If you want recipes for Koji, this "cookbook" is the place to get them and understand "it" too.

This domesticated mold was originally derived from a toxic mold, and before people started writing, it was not toxic now. This mold has a long history of making amazing food and alcohol.

Koji is a million spores, a thousand knives, cutting up the cells of proteins to create a better eating experience.

Perhaps the best thing about firm granular Koji rice is that it inspires you to explore the kitchen. Throw out preconceptions; what you thought was true is by the wayside, and spread the love of Koji on your meat, your veggies, and your meals so that life is renewed, optimistic, and a place where change can make things taste good at the same time as being the same.

Think of it as mold that is your friend and not your enemy. Once you get to know it, you will find it can make your life better. And once you get used to it all, pretty much, it will seem normal, like a friend that you always wished you had. Yes, it is different, but that is okay.

It is that difference that we all enjoy when it comes to enlightening our palates. It truly is a great way to expand our lives and make our tongues happy! Transform the mundane into the insane.

Koji Dry-Aged Steak Recipe:

To start, use the Cold Mountain Dry White Rice Koji as an amazing hack to dry-age steak, or really any protein of your choice, by taking the rice (the vehicle to carry the spores) and grinding it up in a blender to make a fine powder. Then rub it on your meat.

You can add just about any type of spices you normally do that are dry; whatever flavors you’re used to. Place on a rack over a pan in the fridge for 48 hours for best results. Really that's it. After 48 hours, scrape the crust off and rinse. Then, cook as you normally would, just a little shorter.

The use of dried koji rice on food adds a fifth dimension; changing the composition so your taste is rewarded. It's magic! Think of changing and making food better with just a little pixie koji dust!

Keep in mind, that doing it correctly keeps you safe when dealing with raw meats. Use an established recipe first.


Average Rating:
(based on 8 reviews)
Smooth Order
My order arrived in a timely manner. Shipping was fast. No issues with the packaging. I look forward to fermenting the rice and cooking with it in the coming weeks. Helpful instructions are included in the packaging.
by Matt
Cooking with Koji
I am so lucky to be able to be taught how to use it on steak. First it was marinated on steak for 2 days, washed off, in this case they used a tenderizer as it was not an expensive steak, so marinate, rinse, add pepper, salt and garlic and WOW, great steak that taste way above its price! This is the best part of chefshop, you get introduced to the coolest new things we can use for exciting cooking.
by Louise
Easy to use with incredible results
After hearing about Shio Koji, a lot, it was time to give it a try. With Cold Mountain Koji it was as simple as adding the Koji rice, some water and salt. After 10 days +1 it was ready. Since then I have tried it on and in just about everything. Fish, meats, vegetables, anywhere I would normally add a dash of salt, including on my eggs. The effect has ranged from subtle to profound. This is my new secret ingredient. Combine it with a good soy sauce for even more effect in stir fry or fried rice. Marinate meats before grinding them into sausage or even in burgers. The possibilities are many. If you are into fermenting then definitely give this a try. You will be back for seconds...
by Alan
Amazake Lover.
I truly enjoy amazake beverage but it has become unavailable at local health food stores. I was intrigued to find koji was the secret to making it. I was hooked. So I ordered the first koji I could find from Japan. Then I discovered Cold Mountain an American company with a great track record with miso making, sold koji. Now I'm exploring all things koji. Thanks to the great new book Koji Alchemy and Cold Mountain.
by Dennis
Great Product
This is my second order of the koji rice. I read about it here: and made the shio koji (simple to do ). I have since marinated steaks, prime rib, pork chops and chicken with amazing results. This is now a staple for me and a must to have on hand.
by Linda m Schrader
Thank you so much!
I am very excited to make some magic with this koji!!
Koji Rice
I discovered koji rice a few years ago and it is now a staple in my pantry. The product I've been using comes from another purveyor is is quite expensive, so I appreciate the savings and believe yours is a better product. It was a pleasure finding out about your company and look forward to shopping for new ingredients.
by William
Koji Magic
Chefshop's Koji Flank Steak recipe did not disappoint. Two days in the refrigerator yielded dry-aged results: flavorsome, funky, and delicious!
by Raymond Snead