Paola Albabesi (Paola's Italian Kitchen) is an Italian Culinary Instructor based in Seattle, WA. When she first moved to Seattle in 2005, she loved the fact that the fruits and vegetables grown in the Pacific Northwest are very much like those grown in and around her native city of Milano, Italy.

Paola has been conducting in-person cooking classes in the Seattle Area since 2011, and loves showing how to use the local Northwest bounty to create classic Italian dishes. But, more than that, Paola loves to share her knowledge of food and ingredients - especially from Italy, but really from all over the world - and her many stories of growing up in Italy.

Paula now offeres a variety of cooking classes online via ZOOM, as well corporate "team-building" classes online.

At the end of the week, after all the news has been digested, I look to ChefShop’s newsletter as my respite to life. On Sunday, I curl up in bed with my newsletter to forget about the weeks news, and think about romance. The romance of food!

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