Scottish Super Food, Stone Cut Oatmeal. Red, & Yellow box Pasta back in stock -
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In this issue:
Stone Cut Oats

Bigoli Pasta

Marcona Almonds

Back in Stock

Restock the Pantry. Click on the photos below!
Villa Manodori
red yuzu kosho
gluten free
borlotti beans
Time to re-stock your cocoa!
Pernigotti Cocoa lasts almost forever. Well, not really. I haven't seen a single bag last that long. It might take a moment before you take the dip into the ultra smooth powder of cocoa, but once you do, you can't get enough! One brownie recipe, one chocolate cake, or composing your own chocolate drink and the bag is gone! When you are down to the last handful, order more, cause you know it lasts forever!
medjool dates
On the list of "Super Foods"
Sometimes, waiting for harvest is fun; the anticipation can be mouth watering. And then again, sometimes it's painful! I would say this one has been painful. If there is ever a question about whether we eat the foods we carry, this is perhaps the best representation of, to paraphrase an old saying, "we eat our own food"!
Most of the time, with a few exceptions of course, even staples you can wait for a bit, or you can find an acceptable substitute to "fill" in. Now that the last year's holiday bingeing has passed, I remembered how much I am missing my oatmeal in the morning.
Waiting for the harvest of this year's super Oatmeal of Alford seemed like an eternity. And, there was no shortcut like hot temperature to process the stone ground oats before their time.
In the interim, we tried many different kinds of oatmeal. Some were digestible, and we even found one that looked identical, felt identical and was uneditable! (Like my writing) Who would thunk that oatmeal could taste so different? Oatmeal is oatmeal, right?
Not convinced that a great oatmeal should be part of your life? Then you should read, "Real Oatmeal: Morning, Noon and Night". This is one great article about oatmeal!
Oatmeal of Alford can be cooked the way you like it. From crunchy to soft like Risotto to creamy. This is the most versatile cut of oats you will find. Order it up and order a lot ... it's a super food to go with!
Shop now for The Super Food!
Sweet and Bitter
Almonds, they say, come in two types: Sweet and Bitter. Though it's not so black and white. Almonds appear to have had their roots in being bitter and overtime in man's hands became sweeter.
The almond is the seed from the fruit of a Prunus, a type of tree and shrub that includes cherries and peaches. Shelling an almond (which looks like a peach pit) reveals the seed, and blanching removes the seedcoat revealing the white embryo.
I can't think of another food that describes a shape like almond-shaped. I guess there is pear-shaped, and there is carrot-top, though that refers to the color of hair. (Or is it only the
actor that is referred to that way?)
Almonds, as a fruit, have been around for a longtime. Tutankhamun's tomb is said to have had almonds in it.
More than 1.7 million tons of almonds are harvested per year. The State of California's production (some 80%) dominates the crop worldwide. In export alone the crop is worth over a billion dollars. This requires the largest controlled pollination in the world; almost a million bee hives are
transported via truck all over the state. There is some speculation that this transportation of bees is a contributor of colony collapse.
Within the two varieties there are almonds of different shapes and taste. I never met an almond I didn't like, though the ones known as Marcona are the ones I would choose for the Desert Island scenario (if you could have only one --). Often paired with sugar or some sweetness as a dessert, cultures all over the world seem to have a way of enjoying almonds.
Though eating them is great, as an ingredient an almond is very versatile in its simplest form.
Shop now for Marcona Almonds
Beautiful Pasta in a Box
Two of the very best pastas come in one shape, long and lean. It's hard to explain, even though these two look the same as many other pastas, you immediately taste and feel the difference.
This pasta is so good, all it takes is a simple, simple preparation to make a meal filled with flavor. A fresh olio nuovo, a few capers, and a good sea salt. Or, melted butter with sea salt sprinkled lightly over the top. Just a small portion is the perfect match to lamb chop, or a nicely grilled Portobello to make a fulfilling tasty plate. Drop a few green peas, a couple of corn kernels and a dish it is.
You can't imagine how special a pasta can be until you try a box of Bigoli!
A couple of twists on a side plate, or dead center on a white plate, any topping will shine. Not just a vehicle to carry a sauce, it is the piece de résistance!
Shop now for Bigoli Nobili Pasta

Eliza's Favorite!

L'Abbe Rous
In the southwest of France, in a small Mediterranean seaside town called Banyuls-sur-Mer, some of the finest wines are produced. So, it's no wonder that the grapes grown on the region's ancient vines also yield one of the world's finest vinegars: Le Vinaigre de Banyuls. Made from the naturally sweet wine of the region, the grape base for this very small production of "vin doux natural" (no sugar added) is 50% Grenache noir, 40% Grenache gris and 10% Carignane.
Just-in-Updates - classes start up today! |
The pasta orders are all arriving! We will get them on the "shelves" as soon as they are checked in. Order up before we run out.
Cooking Classes with Chef Lauren
The new pasta will arrive soon and just in time for Italian Pasta Dishes with Chef Lauren Feldman. The new Year is starting!