SKU: 0271
  • Pasta di Gragnano I.G.P. Gentile Organic Spaghetti Pasta


Gentile Organic Spaghetti Pasta

1.1 pound bag - Napoli, Italy

Gragnano is a town located in the province of Naples, which is part of the Campania region in southern Italy. It's situated in the southwestern part of the Italian peninsula, near the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Gragnano is specifically nestled in the hilly area between Mount Lattari and the Gulf of Naples.

This region is renowned for its pasta production, particularly Pasta di Gragnano I.G.P., which is a protected designation of origin pasta.

Pasta di Gragnano I.G.P. (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) has a long tradition of pasta-making, dating back centuries, due to its favorable climate and geographic features which are ideal for pasta production.

The I.G.P. designation ensures that the pasta is made according to specific traditional methods within the geographical area of Gragnano.

These methods include using durum wheat semolina, pure water from the local Lattari Mountains, and bronze dies for shaping the pasta.

The use of bronze dies gives the pasta a rough texture, which allows it to better hold onto sauces. 

Pasta di Gragnano I.G.P. is celebrated for its Italian culinary excellence and tradition, and represents the rich heritage of pasta-making in the region of Campania.