SKU: 5290


Duganski Organic Hardneck Garlic

1/2 pound (usually 4 heads) - Arlington, WA
Usually ships end of August/beginning of September. When pre-ordering, please place other items in a separate order as pre-ordering will delay you entire shipment.

Order now because quantities are limited

Duganski" hardback garlic is a variety of hardneck garlic, specifically within the Marbled Purple Stripe group, known for its hard, woody central stem. It is recognized for having large, easy-to-peel cloves and vibrant purple-striped skin. Duganski garlic has a robust, spicy, and complex flavor, often more potent than softneck garlic varieties, making it a favorite among chefs and garlic enthusiasts.

Because it is a hardneck type, Duganski garlic also produces scapes (flower stalks), which are edible and can be used in cooking.


Organically grown 

it's best to store your garlic in a cool, well-ventilated place, away from the sun and moisture.

General note: As time passes, the garlic will dry out more and more. So, although we bag your garlic into 1/2 pound bags, the weights will go down due to natural desiccation over time. Additionally, the cloves themselves will get drier over time - and although you will lose some gloves to mildew, the majority of the cloves should last until the holidays - or beyond - depending on the year and depending on the variety. But the longer you wait to consume the garlic, the bigger the risk to losing some cloves to mold. Note that mold around the stem does not always translate to mold in and around the cloves.