A Date to Remember and More than a Newton and more... - chefshop.com/enews
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Recipes of the Week
Black Nile Barley
The pigment in Black Nile Barley contains high levels of antioxidants, specifically Anthocyanin -- the same antioxidant found in beets and purple cabbage. Generally speaking, antioxidants found in grains are more stable than those found in fruits and vegetables.
For Royalty & Their Guests
On an acre of land, up to fifty females and one male can grow in harmony. A 15 to 20 year old will yield about 200 pounds.
Where fossils show they thrived 50 million years ago, humans have been cultivating them for 6,000 years. Hundreds of varieties are grown worldwide, while only twelve are grown in the States.
Over 90% of the total US crop is grown in the Coachella Valley, about 30 miles or 45 minutes from Frank Sinatra's fabulous mid-century modern home.
Though they have been here since the 18th century, when the Spaniards planted them around their missionaries, it wasn't until 1927, when a fungal disease threatened to decimate the Moroccan industry, 11 offshoots of the special variety were brought to the US by a horticulturalist. After a seven-year quarantine in Nevada, the nine surviving plants were sent to Southern California.
With nicknames like, The King of Dates, Medjool dates are a deep amber-brown with crinkly skin and a glow all their own. The sticky flesh melts in your mouth with a perfect mix of sweetness; it reminds you of caramel honey cinnamon!
Not only picked by hand, they are also pollinated by hand, and covered with bags to protect them from birds; all done by climbing the individual 50-foot-tall palms. Imagine 51 palms per acre on a 126 acre farm; that's 6,426 palms the farmer climbs 7 times!
Harvested from September to November, hence the association to the Holidays.
Now they are available almost year round. Like candy when harvested, they are savored from harvest to harvest. We have a great way to continue to enjoy them with this recipe.
Shop now for the King of Dates
More than a Newton
Strictly by the numbers, the power of figs, relative to heliocentrism, have no real bearing on each other. There is a belief that Sir Issac Newton invented the "fig newton", but, he did not. Though, like most food stories, clarity can be clouded in a game of telephone.
I believe strongly that, in 1891, the Kennedy Biscuit Works, located in the area behind what is now the playing fields of MIT, created the original Fig Newton. As legend has it, it was named after the town of Newton, Massachusetts, not the student Newton. And thus, it is a far cry from calculus, thank goodness.
What is clear and important is that figs have been an important food group for many cultures for at least a thousand years. In the ancient civilizations of China and Greece, figs were revered for their health benefits. Eaten to grow larger muscles, increase potency, and even ordered by Kings to be eaten to ward off disease!
It turns out that dried figs have more nutritional and medicinal value than the fresh version. Protein, calcium, thiamin, riboflavin, potassium, iron and carbs make up most of the good stuff, along with being a great source of fibrous material.
Like the Fig Newton, or not, figs of all kinds are good for you! Eat them in the morning, eat them at night, eat them all day, and you will say, hooray!
Shop now for Mission Figs

Turkey Stock
Gluten free, this stock keeps almost forever. Hide away in the back of your fridge and call it when you need it to come out and make soup.
Unlike a demi-glace, this Roasted Turkey stock is made without flour as a thickener, producing a clean, light flavor that is appropriate for modern cuisine. Stock, rich with turkey flavor, is reduced to 1/20th of its volume, yielding a rich and complex "glaze."
Add Roasted Turkey Stock to finished sauces or to stocks by adding 1-2 oz per gallon, which will lend stock a deeper flavor and color.
It's also wonderful for deglazing pans. To deglaze a pan: After food (usually meat, often with aromatics like onion or garlic) has been sauteed and the food and excess fat removed from the pan, add a few spoonfuls of the stock. Bring close to a boil and stir vigorously, scraping up all the browned bits on the bottom of the pan. The resulting mixture may be used to make a sauce for the meat, or sometimes added directly to the final product, a stew for example.
Just-in-Updates |
It's time to order giant Reed Avocados
Peter just emailed to tell us that the harvest is coming soon! This amazingly smooth, creamy avocado is like no other. We've tried other big ones and they don't create the mad passion and desire to spread the flesh of the avocado like the Reeds! This is indeed worthy of the "spoon-ready" symbol!
Hawkshead Relish is Coming!
We are waiting for the new shipment to arrive within the next 2-3 weeks. Pre-order any Hawkshead items and make sure you get your favorites! This is one amazing group of foods! Perhaps qualifying as it's own food group on the pyramid.
Order your hardneck Garlic now!
We will send out our first shipment in about a week. When stored properly, hard neck garlic will last until Christmas - so why not order more than you need right now? Don't miss this amazing treat. I had a chef tell me that the best garlic he has ever had is from Washington! And he lives in California! Look for special, previously un-available varieties coming next week or the week after. Garlic will also be available in our retail store.
Cooking Classes Coming Up |
NEW: Mediterranean Sunset Supper
After the punishing heat of a Mediterranean summer day, people re-emerge from their homes at sunset to eat and drink. Join us at ChefShop.com during Labor Day week and we'll recreate the tradition. Cook, laugh, tell stories and enjoy a leisurely meal with friends.
Now Available: Spanish Tapas
There are now two spots available in our popular Spanish Tapas class, with Chef Erin Coopey. Learn a little about history, and a lot about how to make simple and delicious Spanish "Small Plates". Perfect theme for your end-of-summer party. Call now.
NEW: Cooking for the Sultan
The cookbooks of the era reveal the Ottoman court culture to have been as food obsessed as the most passionate modern foodies. Savor recipes from the kitchens of Topkapai Palace as we discuss this rich history of this ancient cuisine, and recreate some of their dishes.
This Weeks Recipes |
Deviled Dates
One of our favorites from our Spanish Tapas Cooking Class. A perfect combination of the sweet Medjool date, the salty Mangalitsa Bacon, and soft but crunchy Marcona Almond. A big hit at a family get-together last weekend.
Spanish-Style Garlic Bread
Hard-neck Garlic is almost here. So, it's the perfect time for my favorite Iberian-style breakfast - fresh baguette, raw hard-neck garlic, and spicy olive oil. What a great way to start the day!
Avocado and Strawberry Ceviche
Get ready for Reed Avocado season. It is coming very soon. And, with all that luscious, oily avocado meat around, you will need a few recipes on hand. Once you get there, search on "avocado" on our site, and you will find many more where this one came from.