SKU: 0797
  • Suehiro - Kunsei Kaoru Murasaki Sumoku Shoyu Beech & Oak Smoked Soy Sauce


Suehiro - Kunsei Kaoru Murasaki Sumoku Shoyu Beech & Oak Smoked Soy Sauce

100 ml bottle - Tatsuno, Japan

Even before you pull the top of the Shoyu and you can smell the smokiness eeking out! Wow! Exciting!

You will first notice that it pours out perfectly into a spoon. The color of the dark shoyu is a deep rich brownish red.

The whiff is smoky for sure, but not fake and not overpowering at all. The taste is smoky, yet incredibly gentle. The shoyu part of it is mellow and participates in the flavor, yet it is not salty at all.

This smoky shoyu is delicious and you could definitely sip it like an aperitif! You recognize it, even if you have never had it before, somewhere hidden in your taste memory is this flavor.

If you want to add some smokiness in your relationship this is the perfect way!

Light, yet present, finish with it, add it, drops of it, or create an amazing smokey cocktail!

This is a definite wow!

ingredients: water, soybeans, wheat, salt


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Average Rating:
(based on 1 review)
Most excellent
This smoked Shoyu is perfection in every way! It's smoky without tasting over done or fake, beautiful consistency and also not overly salty. I agree with ChefShop, it is a definite wow and I will be keeping it in my pantry from now on. I used it in a wasabi dip for my salmon and it was out of this world. I see using it in soups to give it some pop and smoke. Forever grateful to ChefShop to carrying this!
by Judy