Pinhead Oats Making Oatmeal Recipe


1/4 cup or more Pinhead oats

filtered water - 3 to 4 times the amount of oats

a pinch of sea salt

barberries - a pinch to a  spoonful

raisins - a spoonful


add ons and toppings

banana - sliced



rice bran solubles

red walnuts

cocoa powder for dusting

light muscovado


Pinhead Oats Making Oatmeal Recipe


1. Add oatmeal to a small pan

2. Add barberries, raisins and everything else except nuts.

3. Add filtered water - 3 times the oats for a firmer bite, 4 times for a smoother bite.

4. Bring to a boil, stirring and reduce to medium for 1 to 2 minutes.

5. Lower heat to simmer and cook for 8 minutes - or what suits your desires, stirring occasionaly.

Eat hot! I keep mine in the pot as I eat...