Landsea Gomasio Nutritious Sea Blend
2 oz jar - Washington
ingredients: organic toasted sesame, wild harvested bullkelp, wild harvested nettles
Gomasio is unhulled sesame seeds (goma) and salt (shio).
Landsea Gomasio is a creation of a resident of Orcas Island in San Juan County, Washington. The island is about a 1 hour 45 minute drive north of ChefShop. And a 1 hour ferry ride to the island.
Orcas is the largest of the 172 named islands & reefs in the San Juans. It is one of the most beautiful places you can visit.
Brooke, the owner of Landsea, Gomasio, found an abundance of bull kelp and nettles on the island at the same time she met a neighbor who taught her classic Japanese cooking. It was these friendly cooking moments that Brooke learned about gomasio.
We asked Brooke how she came up with her own personal blend and she told us,
“I realized this classic blend would be the perfect starting point from which to incorporate some of the nutritional wealth of the land and the sea. I replaced the salt with the more complex salinity of Bull Kelp and the bright note of Nettle. The result is Landsea Gomasio; a blend that supports the body with both the wisdom of tradition, and the nutritionally rich flavors of my home.”
Because of the kelp, a salty sea is imparted and the nettle adds a vegetable hint. Along with the sesame crunch it is more like an ingredient than a spice.
Imagine frying a nice fillet of fish with gomasio on the flesh side or topping your morning eggs and potatoes. It adds an additional layer of flavor and a lot of healthy goodness at the same time.
If you like furikake, you will love this Landsea Gomasio. My favorite way to consume is actually a little bit poured into the palm of my hand and tossed back into my mouth! This is my go to night time snack food.