Grilled Peaches with Honey Creme Fraiche Recipe


6 fresh, freestone peaches

Rice Bran Oil

2 cups creme fraiche - or sour cream if not available

2 tablespoons raw honey - lavender works, but any herbaceous honey like rosemary or manuka honey also work. If the honey is solid, you should warm it in warm water until it is runny.

fresh mint sprigs - washed


Grilled Peaches with Honey Creme Fraiche Recipe

Perfect grilling party topper. One of our absolute favorite desserts during grilling season - which also happens to be peach season. Fast, easy and fresh-tasting. Light and tangy. Perfect.

BTW - the honey creme fraiche works well on all sorts of fruit - include blueberries and fresh strawberries.



1. Turn grill on medium to medium-high. Make sure the grill is clean - you don't want your peaches to taste like salmon.

2. Wash peaches and split along the seem. Take out pit and dry on a paper towel.

3. Brush each peach with Rice Bran Oil, and place each half on grill flesh-side down. Grill until peach starts to become soft - 2 to 4 minutes. Flip to skin side and grill until bubbling hot. Take care to make sure peaches to not burn.

4. While grilling peaches, place creme fraiche in a mixing bowl, and slowly add honey - until sweetness comes through. You don't want to add so much honey that it complete coves-up the tanginess of the creme fraiche.

5. Place two peach halves on a plate, top with a scoop of honey creme fraiche, garnish with a mint sprig, and serve warm.

serves 6