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In the world there are just a few places left where pesticides are not the norm. The island of Hawaii (the Big Island) is one of those places. And the honey from the island is special! Wilelaiki Blossom, the Christmas bush or Brazilian pepper is a green leaf tree or Evergreen shrub with red pepperberries. The flower is quite small. Considered an invasive plant, it does well in "disturbed" areas. Almost complex in its flavor, the honey is floral, sweet, and with a bit of spiciness. Wilelaiki Blossom honey, sometimes referred to as Brazilian pepper honey, is naturally matched with many cheeses. Light amber color drizzles nicely and enhances a dish as you want. Not too sweet as honeys go, this 47 ounce jar is just the right ratio of pennies to honey!
Want to learn more about honey?Solid? Liquid? Good for you? Bad for you? Confused about honey? Read our series of articles about honey here, and learn more about what to look for and, just as important, what to avoid: All About Honey Articles