SKU: 1573
  • Tasmanian Blue Gum Honey


Tasmanian Blue Gum Honey

500 gam jar - Tasmania, Australia

unheated, unfiltered, raw, hand-crafted

The Blue Gum is one of the tallest trees in the world, reaching up to 70 meters (230 feet) in its native habitat, though it typically grows to around 45-60 meters (150-200 feet) in the wild.

As it is known, Lathamus Keep is the biggest and oldest Blue Gum tree in the world at 500 plus years old. It is deep in the southern forests of Tasmania. It reaches at least 85 metres into the sky and is the home for the Lathamus discolor, the endangered swift parrot whose habitat is in threat of logging.

The leaves are long, narrow, and lance-shaped, often with a distinctive bluish-grey tint, which is how the tree gets its common name, Blue Gum. The leaves have an aromatic, medicinal fragrance, especially when crushed.

The tree has smooth, peeling bark, which can vary in color, from white to grey or cream. This characteristic is common in many eucalyptus species.

Blue Gums produce white to creamy flowers that are large and attract a variety of pollinators, particularly bees. These flowers are iconic for their fluffy, brush-like appearance, with prominent stamens.

The Blue Gum tree provides important habitat and food for a variety of wildlife, including koalas, who feed on the leaves. Other species, such as birds and insects, are also reliant on these trees for food and shelter.

The tree's flowers are a valuable nectar source for honeybees, and in some regions, eucalyptus honey is highly prized.

Eucalyptus trees, including the Blue Gum, help improve soil health through the decomposition of their leaves, which return nutrients to the soil. They are also fire-resistant to some extent, though they can be affected by intense bushfires.

The Blue Gum is an important source of eucalyptus oil, which has medicinal, antiseptic, and aromatic properties. Eucalyptus oil is used in products like cough syrups, inhalants, topical ointments, and even in aromatherapy.

In certain regions, Blue Gum trees have been planted for soil erosion control and land reclamation, as their roots are excellent at stabilizing soil.

Indigenous Australians have used various species of eucalyptus, including the Blue Gum, for medicinal purposes. The leaves were often used to treat fevers, colds, and respiratory issues. Eucalyptus oil, derived from the leaves, is still commonly used in modern medicine for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

The strong, refreshing scent of eucalyptus is often used in essential oils and diffusers to promote clear breathing, relieve congestion, and reduce stress or anxiety.

Bees take the nectar from the Blue Gums flowers and produce eucalyptus honey, which is known for its distinctive flavor and medicinal properties, such as being a natural remedy for colds and respiratory issues.

To the nose it smells like honey. It looks like it is smooth and easy to pour.

One spoon in and you find out it is not what the eye believes. The honey, to the touch, is almost bouncy and sticky in a firm way, not in a tacky sticky way.

It is a firm honey. Stick your spoon straight in and it won’t shift or fall over. Remove the spoon and you can see the crystals (?), not as smooth as the glossy sheen on top.

To the tongue it is as expected, smooth with a hint of texture. It does taste like you want honey to be. Squeeze it into your mouth cavity and it dissipates nicely. This is when the hidden gems within reveal themselves. As the tail end of the spoonful disappears a hint of flavor, not so easily recognizable winks at you. Similar to the notes you would get from Manuka honey, a twist that is not bitter, but an edge.

Not quite the bitterness of a tree honey, yet not the sweetness a flower honey can impart. It is just about right.

There is nothing to turn you away from having this honey everyday, this spoon dipping capable honey, makes it easy to measure for dishes, and putting in your tea, though it is not pourable if you want to drizzle.

I do really like this honey. For a daily honey this one fits the bill!

ingredients: Honey from Blue Gum tree blossom