SKU: 4592
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San Giacomo Balsamico Trditionale 12-yr Red Seal
100 ml - Reggio Emilia,  Italy
USDA organic

What We Say:
Antica of Acetaia San Giacomo in Reggio-Emilia was old with barrels of the black gold already in excess of 50 years when it began its commercial life.

About San Giacomo
Papa Carl Bezzecchi had begun producing balsamic condimento in the early 60s with three batteries, and he eventually had to expand to satisfy the increasing demand of knowing friends. The acetaia was moved in the 80s to accommodate the need for this growing capacity.

In the mid 90s the work of maintaining the acetaia and producing its noble liquid was taken over by son Andrea son, a lawyer by trade, including another barrel-by-barrel move to the attic of his own, modern house. It wasn't until the late 90s that Andrea was convinced to use his precious patrimony to produce Balsamic Tradizionale.

The long years of work, a true labor of love, for Andrea was rewarded by three certifications, Red for 12 years of aging, Silver for 18 years aging and Gold for 25 years of aging. This is a true cottage industry with extremely limited production.