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  • Molasses - Steens Home-Style


Molasses - Steens Home-Style

11.5 oz jar - Origin: Louisiana

Made by the C.S. Steen Syrup Mill, still based in Abbeville, Louisiana, this rich, dark molasses is the last word in molasses. No preservatives, thickeners or anything else: It's pure and natural.

Perfect for gingerbread and other flavorful, homebaked goodies.

About the Producer

According to Steen's: ""The average syrup makin' season extends from mid-October through Christmas. And today, as in the old days, when autumn is here and the tantalizing aroma fills the air, local residents know they will hear the old steam whistle at the syrup mill blowing. Knowing yet another year of history is being made at The C.S. Steen Syrup Mill. Comme delices du gourmet, il n'y a rien de meilleur. (For a gourmet delight, there's nothing better!""

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