Einkorn - the million year old grain from ChefShop.com

Amber Waves of Grain - In Search of Ancient Einkorn (excerpt)

Getting up at 3:45 AM is definitely painful. But when you are visiting a farm, you keep farmers’ hours. And with a 5:11 AM sunrise mid-summer, we planned for an early departure!

Driving east from Seattle, the urban architecture gives way to great swaths of ochre-colored land, dusty and dry from the heat. The ragged edges of deep canyons betray ancient flooding that sent millions of gallons of glacial melt-water tearing across the state. We try to remember the names of the geologic eras, but can’t…

Click Here to read the whole story about our trip “Amber Waves of Grain, In Search of Ancient Einkorn”.

find organic Einkorn, how to cook and recipes by clicking here

Read Finding Farro an article introducing this hulled grain. Almost 20 years ago we put "Farro" on our shelves, which could be spelt or emmer ...

Over the years, I've watched several of ChefShop.com's more “unusual” ingredients – like preserved lemons or piquillo peppers - suddenly go super white-hot on the food market, and I always get a little thrill when it happens.

When I was at ChefShop.com in the late nineties, no one had even heard of Farro. Then one day, an employee came back from Italy with starry eyes and a bag of what looked like big wheat berries. We skeptically boiled up a small batch and gave it a taste. It was the beginning of a long and lasting love affair.

Click here to read the complete article “Finding Farro” about these amazing hulled grains.

find Farro Emmer and great recipes - click here