SOMA Mr Salazar Costa Esmeraldas Ecuador 70% Dark Chocolate Bar
65 gram bar - Toronto, Canada
From the back of the bar: Costa Esmeraldas is a single estate cacao farm owned by the Salarzar family located on the Northwest coast of Ecuador. The steep 100-hectore site is planted with Nacional-Venezolano amarillo cacao trees. During harvest time, the pods are transported daily, and then meticuously fermented and sun-dried at their post-harvest facility close to the farm. Oranges, limes, lemons, platains, bananas, guayaba and papaya are also grown there, interspersed with the cacao to help minimize erosion, and help feed everyone on the farm. Tasting notes: lemon, bread, cherries, balsamic vinegar, brownies, green bananas
ingredients: cocoa nibs, organic cane sugar, cocoa butter
may contain traces of peanuts, tree nuts, soy and dairy