Aged at least 24 months to 36 months.

Our 24 to 36 month aged Mountain Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese comes from Cows that live and graze in the high slopes of the Apennine Mountains in Italy.

These happy cows feed on seasonal treats of spring flowers, early grasses and wild garlic shoots. In the summer they forage the mountains natural flora. And in the winter they ruminate on the hay from the fall harvest.

Unlike many of their brethren who live down mountain, this changing diet, creates seasonal milk that has distinct flavor characteristics. 

The resulting seasonal Parmigiano-Reggiano creates amazing cheese that is like no other! 

Spring cheese is the lightest in flavor, or perhaps a better descriptor is wonderful sweet subtle flavors. I always look forward to spring!

Summer cheese is similar to spring, with more classic cheesy Parmigiano-Reggiano notes. Perhaps it is the free foraging lifestyle that makes the summer one of the favorite seasons!

Winter cheese can often have hints of summer or spring depending on when the milk is harvested. Its predominate flavor comes from the hay which make this season have a wonderful smooth flavor.

When Parmigiano-Reggiano is aged beyond 24 months the cheese changes for the better! The little bits or tiny pockets are the crunchy bits in are tyrosine crystals, which are amino acid clusters that form as the cheese age. 

The tyrosine in simple terms makes your brain happy! And the little crunch reminds you you have a wonderfully aged Parmigiano-Reggiano like no other.

How the Parm Program Works:

We “break” the wheel, cut the cheese and ship the same day. This ensures you get the most flavorful, freshest bite of your Parmigiano-Reggiano slice! 

We try our best to estimate when we plan to cut and ship based on past experience, but we cannot be certain. So, the initial date is an estimate, and is subject to change. 

Are you here in Seattle? 

We have a special price for you. Prices online include expedited shipping. The "local store-pick-up price" is less! Call to order: 206.286.9988

Note About Gift Orders:
A PDF Cheese Certificates is emailed to purchaser within 24-48 hours of ordering. The certificate indicates to whom the Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP is being sent, as well as who the gift is from. If there is no separate ship-to name and address, the "to" section of the certificate will be left blank, so that you can print it and fill it out however you wish. If you need us to mail a physical certificate to the gift recipient, please let us know. In all cases, the more information we have about what you would like to see on the certificate, and where you want the certificate to be sent, the better.

I'm so excited to learn about your site! May this be the first of many delicious orders. :)