How to order the Gift of Sweet Washington Cherries.
1) Choose the cherry or cherries you wish to give
2) Add the cherries to the cart
3) Checkout
4) Choose where you want to ship the cherries
5) Below the Select Shipping Method > in the Special shipping requests: box
Type in
A. the recipients name
B. and any information you would like to include to help us ensure you will receive the certificate via email.
Please include your email address so you will see this email
Look for an email from
with a subject line of : ChefShop Gift Certificate
C. Please proceed with the checkout process and we should contact you within 48 hours.
Questions? Please email or call at 206-286-9988
The Sweet Washington Cherries Gift Certificate The gift that comes twice!
Sweet Cherries are one of those gifts that our world gives us and it's one of the sweetest gifts you can give. A Cherry Certificate received now, as the winter temperatures turn cold, is a warm reminder of what gifts the summer harvest has to offer.
No shipping charges here! It's our version of "buy now - pay later". Remember, we don't charge you until we know the cherries are ready, just before harvest, in late June to early July, depending on the cherry variety.