Hello $order.BillToFirstName,
We thought you'd like to know that we have picked and packed your items, and that this should finish your order.
Always check your order as soon as it arrives! We try never to make mistakes, but we know that they can happen.
If the box or contents has been damaged or compromised, please save all parts in the event that the shipper needs to see them. Contact us as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns about your order. From how to cook to a box that looks like it has been run over. Ground packages should take 8 days or less to arrive to you. (If you are picking up please come down at your earlist convenience)
If you would like to view your order, manage addresses, update your email, or customize many other options, please visit your personal My Account page.
Thank you for shopping with us. $store.Name
Email Address:
${order.BillToEmail} |
Order Number:
Ordered on:
$order.OrderDate.ToString("G") |
Ordered by:
$order.BillToFirstName $order.BillToLastName |
Order Total:
$order.Items.TotalPriceById().ToString("c") |
Order Status:
View Online |
Billing Address:
Payment Method:
#foreach($payment in $payments) $payment.PaymentMethodName $payment.ReferenceNumber #end
#set ($shipNo = 1) #foreach($shipment in $order.Shipments) #beforeall
#each#foreach($orderItem in $order.Items.FilterByShipmentAndSort($shipment.OrderShipmentId)) #beforeall#each #if (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Product") || ($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Discount") || ($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Coupon") || ($orderItem.OrderItemType == "GiftWrap") )#end #end
Shipment $shipNo of $order.Shipments.Count #set ($shipNo = $shipNo + 1) |
Ship From:
Ship To:
$shipment.FormatToAddress(true) #if ($shipment.ShipMessage.Length > 0) Message:$shipment.ShipMessage #end
Shipment Method:
#if( $shipment.TrackingNumbers.Count > 0 ) #set ($trackingUrl = $shipment.GetLastTrackingNumber().GetTrackingUrl())
#end Shipment Status:
#if ($shipment.IsShipped) Shipped #else Waiting to ship #end
Description |
Quantity |
Price |
#if (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Product")) $orderItem.Sku #elseif (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Discount")) DISCOUNT #elseif (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Coupon")) COUPON #elseif (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "GiftWrap")) GIFTWRAP #end |
$orderItem.Name #if ($orderItem.VariantName.Length > 0) ($orderItem.VariantName) #end #foreach($orderItemInput in $orderItem.Inputs) #if (!$orderItemInput.IsMerchantField) $orderItemInput.Name: $orderItemInput.InputValue #end #end #if ($orderItem.WrapStyle) Gift-Wrap: $orderItem.WrapStyle.Name #end |
$orderItem.Quantity |
$orderItem.ExtendedPrice.ToString("c") |
#end #foreach($orderItem in $order.Items.FilterByShipmentAndSort()) #beforeall
#each #if (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Product") || ($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Coupon") || ($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Discount"))#end #afterall
Name |
Price |
Quantity |
Total |
#if (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Product")) $orderItem.Sku #elseif (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Discount")) DISCOUNT #elseif (($orderItem.OrderItemType == "Coupon")) COUPON #end |
$orderItem.Name #if ($orderItem.VariantName.Length > 0) ($orderItem.VariantName) #end #foreach($orderItemInput in $orderItem.Inputs) #if (!$orderItemInput.IsMerchantField) $orderItemInput.Name: $orderItemInput.InputValue #end #end |
$orderItem.Price.ToString("c") |
$orderItem.Quantity |
$orderItem.ExtendedPrice.ToString("c") |
Subtotal: |
$order.Items.TotalPriceById(0).ToString("c") |
Thanks again for shopping with us!
Tax: |
$order.Items.TotalPriceById(3).ToString("c") |
Shipping and Handling: |
$order.Items.TotalPriceById(1, 2).ToString("c") |
Discounts: |
$order.Items.TotalPriceById(4).ToString("c") |
Coupons: |
$order.Items.TotalPriceById(5).ToString("c") |
Total: |
$order.Items.TotalPriceById().ToString("c") |