SKU: 8372
  • Edible Organic Moroccan Pink Rose Buds


Edible Organic Moroccan Pink Rose Buds - 1/2 oz bag - Morocco


Stop and eat the Rose (buds)

The rose is one popular herb! Perhaps not here in the Northwest, but to 100’s of millions in other parts of the world, it is part of the regular garnish.

To be clear, the roses you get for your birthday from the local florist are not the ones to eat. Those have been grown and sprayed with chemicals. If you grow your own, without fertilizers and they smell great, chances are they will taste great too.

Rosebuds, not to be confused with Rose Petals, are used a bit differently. Think Rosebud Tea. (6 grams of Rosebuds steeped with lemon verbena for 8 minutes, add honey to taste) There is some belief that the rose can heal and help your physical heart.

It is common knowledge and proven that the emotional heart can be elevated with just one of them.

Of course, you can mix gin, vermouth, elderflower, rose water, shaken not stirred, and topped with a rosebud in a martini glass. It’s another way to elevate one’s spirits.

To finish the day, make Rosebud Milk Tea. Add 1/2 cup hot milk and 1/2 cup hot water to loose leaf rose tea with sugar or honey, topping with a few buds. Luxurious! Time for a snooze!