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Reserve your Early Robin Cherries today.
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Estimated to ship Early JUNEClick here for the latest shipping information
* PRICE INCLUDES EXPEDITED SHIPPING* (We will remove any shipping charges if they appear on the final order.)PLEASE NOTE - THESE LIGHT-SKINNED, SWEET CHERRIES WILL BE SHIPPED WITHIN 24 to 48 HOURS OF BEING PICKED. THIS IS A SEASONAL ITEM AVAILABLE BY PRE-ORDER ONLY. SUPPLIES LIMITED.Finally! Customers asked us for years to find an early variety of cherries, because they just couldn't wait for the Rainiers! That's when we found these fresh, tree-ripened Early Robin Cherries. And now, we are happy to say, we offer them every year. We traveled out to Eastern Washington in early June a few years back to see the Rainier cherries on the trees, and found that the cherry season was already under-way. That's when we got to try these Early Robin Cherries, and thought they tasted AMAZING! Very low acid level -- so they taste extra sweet. And these are an early variety -- so just when you just can't wait for the cherry season to start, these come along and save the day -- and get you started! What's it about cherries that we just cait wait? about Early Robin Cherries: Early Robin Cherries are a early ripening Rainier-like Cherries. They are very low acid, so they taste very sweet. With its characteristic cream-colored flesh, Early Robin Cherries are a new variety, and farmers will not pick them until the sugar brix (a measure of how sweet the cherry is) reach 17. But, some wait until they reach 20 brix. That is one of the reason they are so amazingly delicious -- and addictive. From the family that brings us the most amazingly huge Rainier cherries come this amazing early variety you just won't find in your average grocery store. This year, only a small amount of these light colored cherries are available. Just can't wait any longer? Order now - before we sell out. Limited quantities available this year.Important Shipping Information: CLICK HERE