SKU: 5063
  • Copper River King Salmon - Fresh - Wild - 5 lbs


Fresh (Never Frozen) Wild Copper River King Salmon - 5-6 lbs - Alaska

Price is reflective of the BEGINNING of the season -- meaning, it's super high.

We generally ship Wednesdays to arrive on Thursdays.


Note on Pricing: If market price the week of shipping comes in lower than expected, retail price will be adjusted down proportionally before order is completed

The Copper River King Salmon run usually starts the 2nd or 3rd week of May, and runs for 3-4 weeks - but you never know.... Some years the run is much shorter. So, place your order now to reserve your salmon.

We are also not sure of the final price -- so we have priced it high. If it turns out to be significantly less than expected, we will decrease the price accordingly. If you need copper river king salmon now, check out the troll-caught. 

When you place your order, make sure you let us know when you want your copper river king salmon to arrive at a particular time.

About Copper River Salmon:

Each May Pacific Northwest restaurants and markets go crazy over Copper River Salmon.  But, what is it? And why is everyone making such a fuss over it? One taste of this firm, omega-3-rich red fish, with its rich and nutty flavor, and you will understand why food lovers relish the three to four weeks that fresh Copper River salmon is available each year.

You see, the Copper River is a very long river, so salmon need that extra oil and fat to navigate it, and actually sucessfully spawn.  Consequently, Copper River salmon are strong, robust creatures with a healthy store of natural oils and body fat - giveing them the energy they need. These qualities make the salmon among the richest, tastiest fish in the world. Fortunately, fatty Copper River salmon is good for us as well, as it's chalk full of Omega-3 oils - and we all know that Omega-3 oils are just what the doctor ordered -- at least down here in the "Lower 48".  So get your tasty omega-3 fix today!  Before the season disappears - which will happen before you know it.

About King Salmon:

Chinook (or King) and Sockeye are the two main types of salmon that we sell.  These two varieties are the most prized in the market, due to their high oil content, and deep, rich red color.  The King Salmon is the "King" of salmon, significantly larger than their smaller cousin, the Sockeye Salmon. In my experience, the sockeye has a stronger Salmon-y flavor, a deeper red color, and more omega-3 oils, which means more flavor.  But Tim prefers the King, with its meatier texture and milder salmon flavor!  Either way, King of Sockeye, don't miss the salmon this year.  It only comes once a year, and the season is short - especially for the Kings - so order now, before it's too late!

About Our Copper River Salmon:

Everyone's heard about the great health benefits of wild salmon: high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, low in mercury - it's a true superfood! But what about how it gets to your local supermarket - and how transit time, handling and freezing impact flavor and quality?

To ensure that you get the freshest possible fish, we only buy from the best. Our wild salmon is gutted and placed on ice as soon as it's caught. Then, it's taken to the airport, put on an airplane, and overnighted to Seattle to our favorite fish monger - where it's filleted and then brought straight to us. Then, every side of Salmon is carefully inspected before it's packed on ice and shipped overnight to you. We like this method, because we get to see every piece of fish before it goes out. When you ship directly from Alaska, if and when there is an issue, you're never quite sure if it's what was put in the box, or if something happened in transit.  This way, we know.  Plus we have a very special, more efficient and less burdensome way to pack our fish -- so that it shows up in good shape, but does not require dry ice - which is hazardous to the environment.

The only way you could have fresher fish would be to be onshore when the boat comes in! No doubt, this salmon is a luxury - but it's so much fresher than what you get at most grocery stores ... and the difference in taste is amazing!!



We are also not sure of the final price -- so we have priced it high. If it turns out to be less than expected, we will decrease the price accordingly. If you need Salmon now, check out the troll-caught.


Preparation and Cooking

With salmon this good, preparation is a snap. We recommend grilling - it's easy, quick and you can't beat the flavor. First, season the fish with sea salt and pepper, and then grill skin-side down until just cooked through. (No flipping needed.)


* Copper River King is usually available for for only 3-4 weeks every year - usually starting in mid to late May. Our main shipment this year  is currently scheduled for Late May - opener schedule permitting. So order now - don't miss it!

Important Shipping Information:

* Please plan to be available on delivery day, so that your salmon doesn't have to sit outside in hot weather. We will email you the day the salmon ship so you know when to expect it.

* Call us (800.596.0885) for shipping charges to Alaska or Hawaii. We are unable to ship fresh fish to international destinations.

* If your order includes both fresh fish and other items, the fish will ship separately and you will be charged our regular ground shipping for the non-perishable items.

* Fish orders shipped separately are subject to additional shipping charges.

* We ship all orders early in the week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) - so that they arrive to you before the weekend. Please place your order by Friday to be shipped the following week.

* We try to get as close to 5-6 pounds as possible. We like to try to send full fillets. If the weight is significantly more or less than 5-6 pounds, then we adjust the price accordingly.